Animate routing

Do classic animations with react-router-dom.

Basic usage#

Just replace your Switch by AnimateSwitch, your Route by AnimateRoute and set animationType prop on AnimateSwitch (fade by default).


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { BrowserRouter, Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import { AnimateSwitch, AnimateRoute } from 'la-danze-ui';
function App() {
return (
<Link to="/" exact>Go to Home</Link>
<Link to="/route1">Go to Route 1</Link>
<Link to="/route2">Go to Route 2</Link>
// Set animation type for the contained routes
<AnimateSwitch animationType="slideLeft">
<AnimateRoute exact path="/">
<AnimateRoute path="/route1">
Route 1
<AnimateRoute path="/route2">
Route 2

Advanced usage#

Nested routing#

If you have nested routing in your app, there is a problem (fixable): when a child route changes, it will re render parent route as well.

To prevent this you can use AnimateLink (extends NavLink of react-router-dom) in combination with useAnimateKey() hook and animationKey prop of AnimateSwitch component.


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { BrowserRouter, Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import { AnimateSwitch, AnimateRoute, AnimateLink, useAnimationKey } from 'la-danze-ui';
function App() {
// Call hook to get unique animationKey object
// It is shared by AnimateLinks and AnimateSwitch
const animationKey = useAnimationKey();
return (
// Set animationKey prop on AnimateLinks
<AnimateLink to="/" exact animationKey={animationKey}>Go to Home</AnimateLink>
<AnimateLink to="/nested-routes" animationKey={animationKey}>Go to Nested routes</AnimateLink>
// Set animationKey prop on AnimateSwitch
<AnimateSwitch animationKey={animationKey}>
<AnimateRoute exact path="/">
{/* Nested Routes */}
<AnimateRoute path="/nested-routes">
<NestedRoutes />
function NestedRoutes() {
// Get unique animationKey object
// Since it is different from parent animationKey, it will prevent re rendering of parent route
const animationKey = useAnimationKey();
return (
// Set animationKey prop on AnimateLinks
<AnimateLink to="/nested-routes/" exact animationKey={animationKey}>Go to Nested Routes Home</AnimateLink>
<AnimateLink to="/nested-routes/route1" animationKey={animationKey}>Go to Nested Routes Route 1</AnimateLink>
// Set animationKey prop on AnimateSwitch
<AnimateSwitch animationKey={animationKey}>
<AnimateRoute exact path="/nested-routes/">
Nested Routes Home
<AnimateRoute path="/nested-routes/route1">
Nested Routes Route 1

Different animations between routes#

By default, AnimateSwitch will set same animation for all its contained routes.

If you want a route to make a different animation, you juste have to set animationType on the AnimateRoute concerned.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { BrowserRouter, Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import { AnimateSwitch, AnimateRoute } from 'la-danze-ui';
function App() {
return (
<Link to="/" exact>Go to Home</Link>
<Link to="/route1">Go to Route 1</Link>
<Link to="/route2">Go to Route 2</Link>
<AnimateSwitch animationType="slideLeft">
// slideLeft animation (extends animationType of AnimateSwitch)
<AnimateRoute exact path="/">
// slideLeft animation (extends animationType of AnimateSwitch)
<AnimateRoute path="/route1">
Route 1
// scale animation (overrides animationType of AnimateSwitch)
<AnimateRoute path="/route2" animationType="scale">
Route 2

Custom animations#

You can create your own animations, because AnimateSwitch and AnimateRoute inherite some framer-motion props.

See API doc of these components for more detail.

You can mix nested routing, different animations between routes and custom animations without any problem.

Animations available#

  • fade
  • scale
  • slideUp
  • slidedown
  • slideLeft
  • slideRight

Use them with animationType prop of AnimateSwitch and AnimateRoute