
This component extends Route component of react-router-dom and provides additionnal props for animating the route.

By default, AnimateSwitch will set same animation for all its contained routes. So if you want all your routes to behave the same, just use AnimateRoute as a regular Route and nothing more.

However if you want a particular route to use a different animation, you can do it. For basic animations just set animationType prop:

  • fade (default)
  • scale
  • slide up
  • slide down
  • slide left
  • slide right

If your not satisfied with these animations, you can do your own animation with some framer-motion imported props (inherited from MountTransition). See below.

Can't be used outside <AnimateSwitch>.
AnimateRoute uses MountTransition component under the hood to make the animation.


import { AnimateSwitch, AnimateRoute } from 'la-danze-ui';
function App() {
return (
<AnimateSwitch animationType="slideLeft">
// AnimateRoute must be contained in a AnimateSwitch
<AnimateRoute path="/example">
// Different animation for this route
<AnimateRoute path="/different-animation" animationType="scale">
different animation


Extends Route props

Additional props:

'fade'No Animation type of the route. Overrides variants prop.
'initial'NoSee framer-motion doc.
'in'NoSee framer-motion doc.
exitTargetAndTransition | VariantLabels'out'NoSee framer-motion doc.
transitionTransition{ duration: 0.225 }NoSee framer-motion doc.
variantsVariantsNoSee framer-motion doc.
styleMotionStyleNoSee framer-motion doc.